Happy Girl!

Happy Girl!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Philippians 4:13

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."

I'm finding a lot of comfort in this verse tonight, for both me and for Zoe.  We received news from a doctor today that Zoe will never walk.  We were informed that Zoe will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life and we need plan accordingly.  We saw an X-ray and it confirmed what the doctor had been thinking.  It's literally going to take a miracle to correct her right hip which is completely out of socket and straighten her left hip which is so tight and crooked.  The muscles in her legs are just not made to walk........all of this is "medically speaking."

We went to Scottish Rite today to have Zoe evaluated for bracing for walking.  Even though she's so young, she's been expressing a lot of interest in walking and recently started using her walker.  We are of course holding her in place while she hangs onto the handles, but she loves to play in it!  She's made so many break throughs recently...potty-ing in her Elmo potty, crawling into her bed, crawling up to windows and furniture, and we thought an evaluation would allow us to either move forward with appropriate bracing or wait a little bit longer for a future appointment with bracing.  But today we were told we need to make her as high-functioning and independent in her wheelchair as possible; that bracing was a waste of energy and only necessary for 30 minutes a day for exercise only.

I guess we shouldn't be too surprised.  I suppose we've just held our breath since the day we brought it home that she would not need this wheelchair one day!  That it would be temporary.  That it would make her equal with her little friends at church and school.  We've been so hopeful and patient, and she's just so amazing that we have all assumed she would walk!  I'm not losing hope, but it's definitely fading at the moment.  We absolutely are responding with enthusiasm for her, wanting of course to make the most independent and spunky Zoe there is, but we feel like we've been set back just a little bit, OK a lotta bit.  I just don't get it.

Thankful for all of you and your prayers.  We have so much to be thankful for, especially this week!  We are completely surrounded by wonderful family (by the way, Jay's amazing supportive and loving parents are here all this week from Florida!!) and so many friends have traveled in and made an effort to come visit Zoe!  She's blessed beyond measure.  We are blessed beyond measure.  However, if you think of it this week please lift up Team Grall as we move forward with this news.  

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