Happy Girl!

Happy Girl!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Almost back to normal!

Zoe is just about back to herself!  We are so thankful to have her "back."  She is still a little stiff, but there is no pain associated with the surgery.  Yay praise the Lord!!!  Jay said at her follow-up last Thursday, Dr. Swift was grinning ear to ear when we told him her snoring has completely gone away.  That was immediate confirmation that the surgery was a success.

She has not had a full day back at school yet, due to crazy contagious RSV sickness in her classroom which we wanted to avoid like the plague, literally, and a low grade fever this morning which sent her home.  It broke within an hour, without any medicine.  So we will try again tomorrow!

I was cuddling with Zoe on the couch tonight.  We played with one of her new sweet little teddy bears.  It just reminded me that amidst all the craziness of balancing work and home, friends and family, loading and unloading the car over and over again everyday (with Zoe, or any toddler, that's no easy task), work-outs, laundry, and cleaning, that each moment with Zoe is to be cherished.  She will be two in ten days.  That's just unreal.  It seems impossible that it's already been two years.  Our little girl is growing up and gaining more and more independence slowly but surely.  One day we will be putting away that little bear that got the biggest hug and kiss tonight, or maybe it will go to another little Grall eventually, but all the "little things" need to be cherished.

I feel like we got a bonus when we had her - she was not mobil as early as most, took a bottle for way too long, couldn't sit independently for the longest time, I could go on and on.....BUT I have always looked at it like she just got to sit in my lap for a few months longer, and I got to feed her a bottle a little more than most.  I get to be needed a lot more than some mommys do.  Those are moments that happen and then they don't one day.  That extra time with her was a blessing in disguise all along.  She's not a burden, she's just Zoe.  She makes me work harder than I ever thought I could, and she just makes me appreciate the little things more and more.  I'm probably a little thinner than I use to be, I'm sure I'll be getting my first grey hair soon, and I may not be as rested as I wish I could be, but I wouldn't trade her for anything in the whole world.  I wish everyone could have someone like Zoe in their lives.

Can't wait to celebrate with our family here in our home next weekend (not this one, but the next).  Zoe's grandparents and cousins from Florida will be here, Zoe's sister Maddy is coming in for the weekend, all of Zoe's local family, and our very special guest-of-honor Zoe's great-grandmother "Nana" will all be here to celebrate her.  There is a lot happening between now and then, including a trip down to San Antonio for TMEA (Texas Music Educators Association), a big "event" for Jay at work, a few doctor's and therapy appointments, and hopefully a few house showings (maybe an offer??? please???), but we can't wait to see everyone next week!!!

Love to all and hugs from Zoe...


  1. Thank God for the time I spent with Zoe. I was praying, God recreate a new body for Zoe. I am so blessed to read the great improvement. Let the name of YESHUA HAMASHIAC, ADONAI - JEHOVAH ROF.E.CHA. THE LORD YOUR HEALER bs praised. AMEN. I AM STILL PRAYING FOR HER TO STAND UP AND WALK. AMEN. SHALOM.

  2. What is this 'normal' you speak of? We haven't been 'normal' for a loooong time, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
